< 틀:Loom
[새로 고침]
이 문서는 설명문서입니다. 틀 페이지 본문에 삽입되어야 합니다. 자세한 정보는 틀:Documentation를 참조하십시오.This template is used to create an interface that looks similar to the Loom's.
See Template:Inventory slot for basic slot usage, this documentation page will cover additional or different functions.
Usage[원본 편집]
Definition[원본 편집]
{{Loom |Banner = InputBanner,Amount |Dye = InputDye,Amount |Pattern = InputPattern,Amount |Sprite = SlotSpriteName |Output = Output,Amount }}
Standard usage[원본 편집]
{{Loom |Banner = White Banner |Dye = Orange Dye |Sprite = Fess |Output = Orange Fess Banner }} }}
- produces
Animated[원본 편집]
To make the slots animate, you make a list of blocks and objects you want to show, separated by semicolons.
{{Loom |Banner = White Banner |Dye = Magenta Dye |Pattern = Banner Pattern Globe; ; |Sprite = Globe; Fess; Lozenge |Output = Magenta Globe Banner; Magenta Fess Banner; Magenta Lozenge Banner }}
- produces

See also[원본 편집]
{{Crafting Table}}
{{Inventory Table}}
{{Brewing Stand}}
{{Inventory slot}}
- 모듈:UI