한국어 Minecraft 위키가 Weird Gloop으로 이사를 완료했습니다!!

자세한 사항은 위키 이동 공지를 참조해 주세요!

새로 오신 분들은 길라잡이위키 규칙을 꼭 읽어주세요.

문서 작성번역을 도와주시면 이 위키에 큰 힘이 됩니다.


Minecraft Wiki
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이 기능은 Java Edition 전용입니다. 

이 튜토리얼은 발전과제의 'Minecraft'탭에 대해 설명하고 어떻게 깰 수 있는지 알려주는 글이다.

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Minecraft[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:Aicon게임의 핵심과 이야기

제작대를 소지하세요.

제작대를 당신의 보관함에 넣으면 이 발전과제가 깨진다. 먼저 나무에게 조준을 하고 부서질 때까지 공격 버튼을 꾹 누른다. 아이템이 떨어지면 거기로 걸어가서 얻으면 된다. 나무는 매우 흔하기 때문에 사막이나 바다같은 곳에서만 생성되지 않는다면 근처를 둘러봐라.

다음으로, 당신의 보관함 키를 눌러라. 당신은 오른쪽 위쪽 부분에 2X2 그리드가 있을 것이다. 거기의 아무 슬롯에서나 당신의 나무를 넣어라. 판자가 나오면 클릭해서 얻을 수 있다.

Invicon Oak Log.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 참나무 원목Invicon Spruce Log.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 가문비나무 원목Invicon Birch Log.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 자작나무 원목Invicon Jungle Log.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 정글나무 원목Invicon Acacia Log.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 아카시아나무 원목Invicon Dark Oak Log.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 짙은 참나무 원목Invicon Mangrove Log.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 맹그로부나무 원목Invicon Cherry Log.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 벚나무 원목Invicon Pale Oak Log.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 창백한 참나무 원목Invicon Crimson Stem.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Stem in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 진홍빛 자루Invicon Warped Stem.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Stem in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 뒤틀린 자루

Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자4Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자4Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자4Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자4Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자4Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자4Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자4Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자4Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자4Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자4

마지막으로 당신의 판자 4개를 모든 슬롯에 다 나오면 제작대가 나올 것이며, 그걸 얻으면 된다. 우클릭을 사용하면 판자 4개가 한번에 집어질 것이다.

Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자

Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자

Invicon Crafting Table.png: Inventory sprite for Crafting Table in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 제작대 with description: 제작대

이제 제작대를 얻으면 클리어 될것이다.

석기 시대의 부모 발전과제

석기 시대[편집 | 원본 편집]

ItemSprite wooden-pickaxe.png: Minecraft wooden-pickaxe스프라이트 이미지 새 곡괭이로 돌을 채굴하세요.

당신의 보관함에 조약돌, 흑암 조약돌, 심층암 조약돌 중 하나를 획득해라.

먼저 제작대를 당신의 손에 들고 땅을 바라보며설치하라. 아래 제작법같이 막대기를 만든다.

재료 [숨기기]제작
아무 판자

이제 아래 제작법처럼 나무 곡괭이를 만들어라. 아마 나무가 더 필요할 것이다.

재료 [숨기기]제작
아무 판자 +
Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기
Invicon Wooden Pickaxe.png: Inventory sprite for Wooden Pickaxe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 곡괭이 with description: Wooden Pickaxe 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  2 공격 피해  1.2 공격 속도

다음으로, 땅을 쭉 파봐라. 돌이 있을 것인데, 그걸 나무 곡괭이를 이용해 캐면 된다. 캐면 섬세한 손길이라는 마법 부여가 없다면 조약돌이 나오게 된다. 동굴이 보이면 바깥쪽에서 캐는 것이 좋을 것이다. 안쪽에서는 몬스터들이 디글디글거리기 때문이다.

조약돌을 획득하면 발전과제가 나올 것이다.

더욱 더 좋게의 부모 발전과제다.

더욱 더 좋게[편집 | 원본 편집]

ItemSprite stone-pickaxe.png: Minecraft stone-pickaxe스프라이트 이미지더 좋은 곡괭이를 만드세요.

돌 곡괭이를 소지하세요.

나무 곡괭이를 이용해 당신의 보관함에 3개의 조약돌이 모일 때 까지 캐면 된다.(석기시대 때처럼 흑암이나 심층암을 사용해도 되긴 한다.)

이제 다음 제작법에 따라 곡괭이를 만들어라 :

재료 [숨기기]제작
아무 돌 등급 블록 +
Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기
Invicon Stone Pickaxe.png: Inventory sprite for Stone Pickaxe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 곡괭이 with description: Stone Pickaxe 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  3 공격 피해  1.2 공격 속도

돌 곡괭이는 보너스 상자에서 생성되거나 대장장이 주민 등에게서 교환할 수도 있다.

철이 철철 넘쳐의 부모 과제다.

철이 철철 넘쳐[편집 | 원본 편집]

ItemSprite iron-ingot.png: Minecraft iron-ingot스프라이트 이미지철 주괴를 제련하세요

철 주괴를 소지하세요

먼저 철광석을 찾아야 한다. Y16에서 가장 많이 나오긴 하나 산이 있으면 철도 있는 가능성이 높다. 동굴에서 철을 찾기 쉬우나, 전에 말했듯이 동굴은 몬스터들이 가득하다. 돌 검과 횃불을 만들어보자.

재료 [숨기기]제작
아무 돌 등급 블록 +
Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기
Invicon Stone Sword.png: Inventory sprite for Stone Sword in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 검 with description: Stone Sword 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  5 공격 피해  1.6 공격 속도

그 이후엔 석탄을 찾아 캐자. 검은색 광석이다. 그걸 찾으면 도움이 될 것이다.

재료 [숨기기]제작
석탄 +
Invicon Coal.png: Inventory sprite for Coal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 석탄 with description: 석탄Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기
Invicon Torch.png: Inventory sprite for Torch in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 횃불 with description: 횃불

이제, 철을 캐러 가 보자. 철은 돌 곡괭이로 캐야 한다는 점을 기억하라.

철을 캤으면 화로를 만들어 보자.

재료 [숨기기]제작
아무 돌 등급 블록
Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌
Invicon Furnace.png: Inventory sprite for Furnace in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화로 with description: 화로
재료 [숨기기]제련
철 원석 또는
철 광석 +
아무 연료
Invicon Raw Iron.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Iron in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 원석 with description: 철 원석Invicon Iron Ore.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ore in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 광석 with description: 철 광석
Invicon Coal.png: Inventory sprite for Coal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 석탄 with description: 석탄Invicon Charcoal.png: Inventory sprite for Charcoal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 석탄 with description: 숯Invicon Oak Log.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 원목Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 나무 판자Invicon Block of Coal.png: Inventory sprite for Block of Coal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 석탄 블록 with description: 석탄 블록

Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴

이제 이것을 얻으면 된다,

아, 만약 상자 등에서 철 조각이 나오면 9개로 주괴 1개를 만들 수 있다.

재료 [숨기기]제작
철 조각
Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴

마을의 철 골렘을 처치해도 나오지만, 강력하기 때문에 초보자들에게는 비추한다.

혹시나 탐험하다 철 관련된 것이 나오면 제련을 하는 것도 가능하지만 괭이나 말 갑옷을 제외하면 제련하는 것은 추천하지 않는다.

재료 [숨기기]제련
철 검 또는
아무 철 도구 또는
아무 철 갑옷 또는
아무 사슬 갑옷 또는
철 말 갑옷 +
아무 연료
Invicon Iron Sword.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Sword in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 검 with description: Iron Sword 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  6 공격 피해  1.6 공격 속도Invicon Iron Pickaxe.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Pickaxe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 곡괭이 with description: Iron Pickaxe 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  4 공격 피해  1.2 공격 속도Invicon Iron Axe.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Axe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 도끼 with description: Iron Axe 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  9 공격 피해  0.9 공격 속도Invicon Iron Shovel.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Shovel in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 삽 with description: Iron Shovel 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  4.5 공격 피해  1 공격 속도Invicon Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 괭이 with description: Iron Hoe 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  1 공격 피해  3 공격 속도Invicon Iron Helmet.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Helmet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 투구 with description: 철 투구Invicon Iron Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흉갑 with description: 철 흉갑Invicon Iron Leggings.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Leggings in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 레깅스 with description: 철 레깅스Invicon Iron Boots.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Boots in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 부츠 with description: 철 부츠Invicon Chainmail Helmet.png: Inventory sprite for Chainmail Helmet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 투구 with description: 사슬 투구Invicon Chainmail Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Chainmail Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흉갑 with description: 사슬 흉갑Invicon Chainmail Leggings.png: Inventory sprite for Chainmail Leggings in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 레깅스 with description: 사슬 레깅스Invicon Chainmail Boots.png: Inventory sprite for Chainmail Boots in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 부츠 with description: 사슬 부츠Invicon Iron Horse Armor.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Horse Armor in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 말 갑옷 with description: Iron Horse Armor 장비에 있을 때: +5 방어
Invicon Coal.png: Inventory sprite for Coal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 석탄 with description: 석탄Invicon Charcoal.png: Inventory sprite for Charcoal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 석탄 with description: 숯Invicon Oak Log.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원목 with description: 원목Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 나무 판자Invicon Block of Coal.png: Inventory sprite for Block of Coal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 석탄 블록 with description: 석탄 블록

Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각

차려입기 | 뜨거운 화제 | 이젠 철 좀 들어라의 부모 발전과제다.

Suit Up[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconProtect yourself with a piece of iron armor

Requirements: Have any type of iron armor in your inventory.

Iron armor can be crafted like so:

이름 재료 [숨기기]제작
철 투구 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Helmet.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Helmet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 투구 with description: Iron Helmet 머리에 있을 때: +2 방어
철 흉갑 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흉갑 with description: Iron Chestplate 흉부에 있을 때: +6 방어
철 레깅스 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Leggings.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Leggings in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 레깅스 with description: Iron Leggings 다리에 있을 때: +5 방어
철 부츠 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Boots.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Boots in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 부츠 with description: Iron Boots 발에 있을 때: +2 방어

Iron armor can also spawn in chests in villages (armorer's house and blacksmiths), ancient cities, trial chambers, strongholds and end cities, and also on armor stands in taiga village outdoor armory. Zombies and skeletons (and their variants) have a small chance to spawn with iron armor, and to drop it when killed. It can also be bought from armorer villagers. Iron boots can also be obtained by bartering.

You will get the advancement when you put one of the pieces of armor in your inventory.

Parent of: Not Today, Thank You

Hot Stuff[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconFill a bucket with lava

Requirements: Have a lava bucket in your inventory.

Empty buckets can be crafted like so:

재료 [숨기기]제작
철 주괴
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴
Invicon Bucket.png: Inventory sprite for Bucket in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 양동이 with description: 양동이

Buckets can also be found in chests in savanna village houses, monster rooms, trial chambers, and woodland mansions. Water buckets can also be found in village fisherman's houses as well as trial chamber dispensers. Buckets of aquatic mobs can also bought from novice-level fisherman villagers and from wandering traders: you have to empty those first to use them.

Now, all you have to do is find lava and use your bucket to fill it up. Lava lakes can be found rarely on the surface in the Overworld, and sometimes underground above Y=0. They often light the surrounding grass and trees on fire, which makes them easy to spot from a distance, especially at night. However, lava is most common at Y=-55 and below, where it fills all of the caves in place of air. If you are in the Nether, getting lava should be very easy because it is found in the lava sea there. If you are high up in the Nether, getting down to the lava ocean could be quite difficult though. Lava can also generate as a spring block in both Overworld and the Nether, or spawn in village blacksmiths, ruined portals, nether fortresses, bastions, woodland mansions, strongholds and deltas.

Note that you have to use the bucket on the source of lava. Normally, if the lava you see is not flowing, you can use the bucket anywhere, because every block of lava is a source block; but if you see a stream of flowing lava, you have to trace the lava flow to its source, and use the bucket on it.

Parent of: Ice Bucket Challenge

Isn't It Iron Pick[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconUpgrade your pickaxe

Requirements: Have an iron pickaxe in your inventory.

Iron pickaxe can be crafted like so:

재료 [숨기기]제작
철 주괴 +
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기
Invicon Iron Pickaxe.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Pickaxe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 곡괭이 with description: Iron Pickaxe 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  4 공격 피해  1.2 공격 속도

Iron pickaxes can also spawn in mineshafts, villages (blacksmiths and toolsmith's chests) and end cities. Iron pickaxe can also be bought from journeyman-level toolsmith villagers.

Parent of: Diamonds!

Not Today, Thank You[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconDeflect a projectile with a shield

Requirements: Block an incoming projectile using a shield.

Shield can be crafted like so:

재료 [숨기기]제작
아무 판자 +
철 주괴
Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 참나무 판자Invicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 가문비나무 판자Invicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 자작나무 판자Invicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 정글나무 판자Invicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 아카시아나무 판자Invicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 짙은 참나무 판자Invicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 맹그로브나무 판자Invicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 벚나무 판자Invicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 창백한 참나무 판자Invicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 대나무 판자Invicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 진홍빛 판자Invicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 판자 with description: 뒤틀린 판자
Invicon Shield.png: Inventory sprite for Shield in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 방패 with description: 방패

Shields can be also bought from journeyman level armorer villagers and obtained as loot from trial chambers.

Then, you need to find a skeleton, a pillager, a stray, a bogged, a shulker, a blaze, a drowned with a trident, a breeze, another player to help you, or anything else that fires projectiles. Have the shield in either hand and hold use, then let the projectile shoot toward you. The shield should block it (except if an arrow was shot from a crossbow with Piercing), therefore rewarding you the advancement.

Diamonds![편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconAcquire diamonds

Requirements: Have a diamond in your inventory.

You can either find a diamond ore underground, or look in various loot chests to find diamonds directly.

Diamond ores are very rare, but by either branch mining deep down in the world or exploring caves that go very low, you will eventually find one. Diamond ore generates below level 15, most commonly around Y=-58. Mine it with your iron pickaxe, and collect the dropped diamond.

Diamonds can also spawn in village (blacksmiths, toolsmith's houses), shipwrecks, desert temples, jungle pyramids, mineshafts, trial chambers, buried treasures and end cities. Blocks of diamond can also rarely generate in woodland mansions, or in chests and ominous vaults in trial chambers, which you can turn into 9 diamonds.

재료 [숨기기]제작
다이아몬드 블록

You can also use a brush to excavate diamonds out of some blocks of suspicious sand that spawns in desert temples.

함께 보기: Tutorials/Diamonds

Parent of: Cover Me With Diamonds | Enchanter

Ice Bucket Challenge[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconObtain a block of obsidian

Requirements: Have an obsidian block in your inventory.

You can either mine the obsidian or find it in item form. To mine it, you first need a diamond pickaxe. It can be crafted like so:

재료 [숨기기]제작
다이아몬드 +
Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기
Invicon Diamond Pickaxe.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Pickaxe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 곡괭이 with description: Diamond Pickaxe 주로 사용하는 손에 있을 때:  5 공격 피해  1.2 공격 속도

Diamond pickaxes can also spawn in chests in bastions, trial chambers, and end cities.

A bucket of water might also be needed: find a water source and use it with a bucket.

Next, you need to find a lava lake (you cannot use flowing lava), either deep in a cave, on the surface, or inside of any structure that have lava (see Hot Stuff above), and pour the bucket of water next to the lava. The water should flow onto the lava, turning it into obsidian. If you find any naturally occurring obsidian, that works as well. Mine the obsidian with your diamond pickaxe, and pick it up. Note that this won't work in the Nether, since water vaporizes there.

Obsidian as a block also generates in ruined portals, woodland mansions, ocean ruins, end spikes, obsidian platform, and end ships.

Obsidian in item form can be found in chests in village blacksmiths, ruined portals, nether fortresss and bastions. It can also be obtained by bartering.

Parent of: We Need to Go Deeper

We Need to Go Deeper[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconBuild, light, and enter a Nether Portal

Requirements: Enter the Nether dimension.

You need to build a nether portal, or find a ruined portal and fix it. To make a portal, you need at least 10 blocks of obsidian. These can be placed directly, or casting it in place using lava and water. Make your portal like so (build it upright, or else it will not work) - question marks can be any block, including air: 모듈:Reverselink 80번째 줄에서 Lua 오류: attempt to index local 'str' (a nil value).

If you find a ruined portal, you don't need to build an entire portal frame on your own, just to fix it up. Depending on how broken (and large) the ruined portal is, it might be easier or harder to fix it than to make your own. In order to fix a ruined portal, you need to mine any crying obsidian in the portal (except for the corners, because these don't count); a diamond pickaxe works best for that. Then complete the portal by placing regular obsidian in the gaps. There is a chest near the portal that may contain some obsidian to help you with this, but it's likely that you will have to get some on your own anyway. The chest also may contain a fire charge or flint and steel, which can light the portal, even if you can't fix the ruined portal and decide to make your own.

Now you need a way to light the portal to activate it. This could be a flint and steel or a fire charge. If you don't have either of these, you need to get an iron ingot and a piece of flint and place these anywhere in your 2×2 crafting grid to make a flint and steel.

재료 [숨기기]제작
철 주괴 +
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Flint.png: Inventory sprite for Flint in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 부싯돌 with description: 부싯돌
Invicon Flint and Steel.png: Inventory sprite for Flint and Steel in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 부싯돌과 부시 with description: 부싯돌과 부시

Flint has a 10% chance to drop when mining gravel without Silk Touch. It can also generate in villages (fletcher's house) and ruined portal chests. Light your portal by using the flint and steel or fire charge on the top surface of one of the bottom obsidian blocks. You can also light the nether portal by placing lava next to flammable blocks, or through a lightning strike. (Note that for those methods to work, a fire block must appear inside of the frame). If the portal doesn't light up, make sure that it is complete and the correct size, does not contain any crying obsidian (only regular obsidian), and does not have blocks inside the frame, then try again. Your portal should now look like this: 모듈:Reverselink 80번째 줄에서 Lua 오류: attempt to index local 'str' (a nil value).

Once you stand inside the portal for 4 seconds, you will be teleported to the Nether and get the advancement. If you are not prepared to go into the Nether, go back to the Overworld the moment you set foot in the Nether. To return, step out of the portal and step back in again.

Parent of: Zombie Doctor | Eye Spy

Cover Me With Diamonds[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconDiamond armor saves lives

Requirements: Have any type of diamond armor in your inventory.

Diamond armor can be crafted like so:

이름 재료 [숨기기]제작
다이아몬드 투구 다이아몬드
Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드
Invicon Diamond Helmet.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Helmet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 투구 with description: Diamond Helmet 머리에 있을 때: +3 방어 +2 방어 강도
다이아몬드 흉갑 다이아몬드
Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드
Invicon Diamond Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흉갑 with description: Diamond Chestplate 흉부에 있을 때: +8 방어 +2 방어 강도
다이아몬드 레깅스 다이아몬드
Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드
Invicon Diamond Leggings.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Leggings in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 레깅스 with description: Diamond Leggings 다리에 있을 때: +6 방어 +2 방어 강도
다이아몬드 부츠 다이아몬드
Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드
Invicon Diamond Boots.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Boots in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 부츠 with description: Diamond Boots 발에 있을 때: +3 방어 +2 방어 강도

Diamond armor can also spawn in bastions, end cities, woodland mansions, trial chambers, and ancient cities. It has a very small chance to drop when killing zombies, skeletons or their variants. It can also be bought from armorer villagers.

You will get the advancement when you put one of the pieces of armor in your inventory.

Enchanter[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconEnchant an item at an Enchanting Table

Requirements: Enchant an item at an enchanting table.

First, craft an enchanting table:

재료 [숨기기]제작
다이아몬드 +
Invicon Book.png: Inventory sprite for Book in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 책 with description: 책Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석
Invicon Enchantment Table.png: Inventory sprite for Enchantment Table in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 마법 부여대 with description: 마법 부여대

There are a few methods of obtaining books. You can craft them from leather and paper. Leather drops from cows, mooshrooms, horses, donkeys, mules, llamas, trader llamas, hoglins, and some foxes (a fox can sometimes spawn holding a leather, which always drops upon death). It can also be obtained by fishing, bartering, or by crafting from 4 rabbit hide.

Sugar cane generates naturally near bodies of water—oceans, rivers or lakes. Paper can also generate in villages (cartographer's house), shipwrecks, and stronghold libraries. When you have enough materials, you can make a book.

이름 재료 [숨기기]제작
종이 사탕수수
Invicon Sugar Cane.png: Inventory sprite for Sugar Cane in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 사탕수수 with description: 사탕수수Invicon Sugar Cane.png: Inventory sprite for Sugar Cane in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 사탕수수 with description: 사탕수수Invicon Sugar Cane.png: Inventory sprite for Sugar Cane in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 사탕수수 with description: 사탕수수
Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이
종이 +
Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Leather.png: Inventory sprite for Leather in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 가죽 with description: 가죽
Invicon Book.png: Inventory sprite for Book in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 책 with description: 책

A bookshelf drops 3 books if broken without using Silk Touch. Bookshelves generate as a block in village library houses, woodland mansions, and stronghold libraries. Book can also be obtained by disenchanting an enchanted book at a grindstone. Finally, books can generate in village plains and desert houses, shipwrecks, stronghold libraries and ancient cities.

Now, when you have a book, you can make an enchanting table.

To enchant, you need an enchantable tool, weapon, a piece of armor or another book. You also need between 1 and 3 pieces of lapis lazuli, which can be found in ore form between levels -64 and 64, being much more common in underwater caves than in dry caves. Lapis can also be found in item form in desert village temples, mineshafts and shipwrecks.

Also, make sure you have plenty of experience levels, as you need them to enchant.

Place down the enchanting table and use it. Put lapis lazuli and your item of choice into two slots inside of the table, and select one of three enchant choices on the right.

For more info about enchanting, see this page.

Zombie Doctor[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconWeaken and then cure a Zombie Villager

Requirements: Turn a zombie villager into a villager.

You need to find a zombie villager, put it under the Weakness effect and give it a golden apple (by facing the zombie and pressing the use key with a golden apple in your hand). This process is called curing. There are a few methods to do this.

The easiest one is to find an igloo with a basement. This place is designed specifically for the Zombie Doctor advancement. Igloo basements generate with all the key ingredients: a zombie villager in a cage, a splash potion of Weakness inside of the brewing stand, and a golden apple inside of the chest. Simply break one of the iron bars holding the zombie villager, splash it with the potion, and give it the golden apple. After a maximum of five minutes, zombie villager will be cured and you will be granted the advancement.

Alternatively, if you can't find any igloos with basements, you can get a brewing stand and brew the potion of Weakness yourself. You can either craft the stand or find it.

재료 [숨기기]제작
블레이즈 막대 +
아무 돌 등급 블록
Invicon Blaze Rod.png: Inventory sprite for Blaze Rod in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 블레이즈 막대 with description: 블레이즈 막대Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌Invicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 조약돌 with description: 조약돌Invicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑암 with description: 흑암Invicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 심층암 조약돌 with description: 심층암 조약돌
Invicon Brewing Stand.png: Inventory sprite for Brewing Stand in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 양조기 with description: 양조기

To obtain a blaze rod, you need to kill a blaze (more info about that under the Into Fire advancement). Blaze rods are not only used to craft the brewing stand, but also as a fuel for it (just craft the blaze rod into blaze powder), so even if you find a stand, you still need blaze rods to fuel it up.

Besides igloos, brewing stands also generate as a block in villages (church) and end ships.

Next, to brew a splash potion of Weakness, you need a fermented spider eye:

재료 [숨기기]제작
갈색 버섯 +
설탕 +
거미 눈
Invicon Brown Mushroom.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Mushroom in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 버섯 with description: 갈색 버섯Invicon Sugar.png: Inventory sprite for Sugar in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 설탕 with description: 설탕Invicon Spider Eye.png: Inventory sprite for Spider Eye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 거미 눈 with description: 거미 눈
Invicon Fermented Spider Eye.png: Inventory sprite for Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 발효된 거미 눈 with description: 발효된 거미 눈

Next, you need a water bottle. Use a glass bottle in the main hand or in the off hand on a water source block.

재료 [숨기기]제작

Water bottles can be also obtained through fishing or bartering.

The following steps are performed in the brewing stand. For more information about brewing, see the pages "Potion" and "Brewing".

First, brew a normal potion of Weakness:

Potion Potion brewing recipe
Invicon Potion of Weakness.png: Inventory sprite for Potion of Weakness in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Potion#Potion of Weakness with description: 나약함의 물약 Weakness (1:30)
Potion of Weakness
(EffectSprite weakness.png: Minecraft weakness스프라이트 이미지 1:30)

Invicon Fermented Spider Eye.png: Inventory sprite for Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 발효된 거미 눈 with description: 발효된 거미 눈

Invicon Water Bottle.png: Inventory sprite for Water Bottle in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 물약 with description: 물병 No effects

To turn a potion of Weakness into a splash potion of Weakness, you need a piece of gunpowder, which drops from killing creepers, ghasts, or witches. Gunpowder also generates in dungeons, desert temples, shipwrecks and woodland mansions.

Potion Potion brewing recipe
Invicon Splash Potion of Weakness.png: Inventory sprite for Splash Potion of Weakness in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Splash Potion#Splash Potion of Weakness with description: 투척용 나약함의 물약 Weakness (1:30)
Splash potion of Weakness
(EffectSprite weakness.png: Minecraft weakness스프라이트 이미지 1:30)

Invicon Gunpowder.png: Inventory sprite for Gunpowder in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화약 with description: 화약

Invicon Potion of Weakness.png: Inventory sprite for Potion of Weakness in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 물약 with description: 나약함의 물약 나약함 (1:30)

Witches also can throw splash potions of Weakness, if for some reason you can't go to the Nether. Splash and lingering potions of Weakness also generate in dispensers of trial chambers. You can also shoot the zombie villager with an arrow of Weakness, but that's not recommended for multiple reasons: such arrows are hard to obtain, will hurt (and potentially kill) the zombie, and their effect lasts much shorter (1/8 of the time) than from the potion.

Next, get a golden apple. It can be crafted like so:

재료 [숨기기]제작
금 주괴 +
Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Apple.png: Inventory sprite for Apple in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 사과 with description: 사과Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴
Invicon Golden Apple.png: Inventory sprite for Golden Apple in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 황금 사과 with description: 황금 사과

Golden apples also generate in dungeons, mineshafts, bastions, desert temples, ancient cities, ruined portals, trial chambers, strongholds, ocean ruins and woodland mansions.

Zombie villagers spawn rarely as a variant of normal zombies. They also have a chance to spawn after a zombie kills a villager; it depends on difficulty of the game. To make sure that the zombie villager doesn't burn from sunlight, doesn't despawn and is not killed by an iron golem, it is recommended to trap the zombie villager and stay nearby during the process of curing.

After successfully trapping the zombie villager, splash it with potion of Weakness / shoot it with arrow of Weakness / make the witch splash it with its potion, and then give the zombie a golden apple. You will be granted the advancement once villager is cured, which takes up to 5 minutes.

Eye Spy[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconFollow an Eye of Ender

Requirements: Enter a stronghold.

Strongholds can be found by using eyes of ender, which are crafted like so:

재료 [숨기기]제작
블레이즈 가루 +
엔더 진주
Invicon Blaze Powder.png: Inventory sprite for Blaze Powder in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 블레이즈 가루 with description: 블레이즈 가루Invicon Ender Pearl.png: Inventory sprite for Ender Pearl in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 엔더 진주 with description: 엔더 진주
Invicon Eye of Ender.png: Inventory sprite for Eye of Ender in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 엔더의 눈 with description: 엔더의 눈

Ender pearls can be obtained by killing endermen, bartering, trading with expert-level cleric villagers, or can be found in the "fake end portal" rooms of woodland mansions (but note that the chest here is trapped and triggers TNT if opened!), as well as barrels in trial chambers. A very feasible way to obtain ender pearls in early game is to find a BiomeSprite warped-forest.png: Minecraft warped-forest스프라이트 이미지 linking to 뒤틀린 숲뒤틀린 숲 biome in the Nether, and kill as many endermen there as possible.

Blaze powder is crafted from blaze rods, which only drop from blazes (more info about that under the Into Fire advancement).

Although the player needs at most 12 eyes of ender to activate the end portal, a few additional ones are usually needed to find a stronghold. Around 16 eyes of ender in most cases should be enough for finding the portal and opening it, given that the player doesn't throw the eyes too often and lose too many of them before reaching the stronghold.

While being anywhere in Overworld (preferably on the surface), use to throw eyes of ender up in the air. Follow the direction in which they go. At some point, usually about 2000 blocks from coordinates (0,0), eyes go down into the ground instead of up in the air. Dig in that spot, until you reach stone bricks, which is the beginning of the stronghold. Advancement will be granted as soon as you enter the stronghold.

For more tips on finding the stronghold, see this part of the tutorial on defeating the ender dragon.

Parent of: The End?

The End?[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:AiconEnter the End portal.

Requirements: Enter the End dimension.

Jump into an activated end portal. These are found in end portal rooms in strongholds. You will probably need to fill few eyes into the end portal frames to activate the portal and go to the End; all frames need to have an eye of ender in it. A maximum of 12 eyes of ender are needed. Ender pearls also spawn in stronghold chests, which can be turned into eyes of ender and used to fill the end portal. When you go to the End, you will get the advancement before the actual terrain loads.

Make sure you are prepared before going to the End, because the only way out is to either defeat the ender dragon, or die in the attempt to do so. See this tutorial for more help. In Hardcore mode, you must beat the ender dragon to go back, since you cannot respawn.

Navigation[편집 | 원본 편집]

틀:Navbox tutorials