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Minecraft Wiki
Mykytius (토론 | 기여)님의 2025년 1월 12일 (일) 22:02 판
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이름 재료 제작 [숨기기]설명
가죽 토끼 가죽
Invicon Rabbit Hide.png: Inventory sprite for Rabbit Hide in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 토끼 가죽 with description: 토끼 가죽Invicon Rabbit Hide.png: Inventory sprite for Rabbit Hide in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 토끼 가죽 with description: 토끼 가죽Invicon Rabbit Hide.png: Inventory sprite for Rabbit Hide in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 토끼 가죽 with description: 토끼 가죽Invicon Rabbit Hide.png: Inventory sprite for Rabbit Hide in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 토끼 가죽 with description: 토끼 가죽
Invicon Leather.png: Inventory sprite for Leather in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 가죽 with description: 가죽
검은색 염료 먹물 주머니
Invicon Ink Sac.png: Inventory sprite for Ink Sac in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 먹물 주머니 with description: 먹물 주머니
Invicon Black Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Black Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 검은색 염료 with description: 검은색 염료
검은색 염료 위더 장미
Invicon Wither Rose.png: Inventory sprite for Wither Rose in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 위더 장미
Invicon Black Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Black Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 검은색 염료 with description: 검은색 염료
구리 원석 구리 원석 블록
구리 원석 블록 구리 원석
Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석Invicon Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 with description: 구리 원석
Invicon Block of Raw Copper.png: Inventory sprite for Block of Raw Copper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 원석 블록 with description: 구리 원석 블록
구리 원석 구리 원석 블록
그릇 아무 판자
금 원석 금 원석 블록
금 원석 금 원석 블록
금 주괴 금 블록
금 주괴 금 조각
Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각
Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴
네더라이트 주괴 네더라이트 블록
네더라이트 주괴 네더라이트 파편 +
금 주괴
Invicon Netherite Scrap.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Scrap in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 네더라이트 파편 with description: 네더라이트 파편Invicon Netherite Scrap.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Scrap in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 네더라이트 파편 with description: 네더라이트 파편Invicon Netherite Scrap.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Scrap in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 네더라이트 파편 with description: 네더라이트 파편Invicon Netherite Scrap.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Scrap in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 네더라이트 파편 with description: 네더라이트 파편Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 주괴 with description: 금 주괴
Invicon Netherite Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 네더라이트 주괴 with description: 네더라이트 주괴
노란색 염료 민들레 또는
Invicon Dandelion.png: Inventory sprite for Dandelion in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 민들레Invicon Sunflower.png: Inventory sprite for Sunflower in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 해바라기
Invicon Yellow Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 노란색 염료 with description: 노란색 염료
다이아몬드 다이아몬드 블록
막대기 아무 판자
막대기 대나무
Invicon Bamboo.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 대나무 with description: 대나무Invicon Bamboo.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 대나무 with description: 대나무
Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기
건초 더미
보라색 염료 파란색 염료 +
빨간색 염료
보라색 염료 청금석 +
빨간색 염료
[Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Education 전용]
분홍색 염료 분홍색 튤립 또는
분홍색 염료 장밋빛 빨간색 +
[JE 1.14 이전에만]
분홍색 염료 장밋빛 빨간색 +
하얀색 염료
빨간색 염료 양귀비 또는
빨간색 튤립 또는
장미 덤불 또는
뼛가루 뼈 블록
설탕 사탕수수
Invicon Sugar Cane.png: Inventory sprite for Sugar Cane in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 사탕수수 with description: 사탕수수
Invicon Sugar.png: Inventory sprite for Sugar in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 설탕 with description: 설탕
석탄 석탄 블록
설탕 사탕수수
Invicon Sugar Cane.png: Inventory sprite for Sugar Cane in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 사탕수수 with description: 사탕수수
Invicon Sugar.png: Inventory sprite for Sugar in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 설탕 with description: 설탕
수박씨 수박 조각
Invicon Melon Slice.png: Inventory sprite for Melon Slice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 수박 조각 with description: 수박 조각
Invicon Melon Seeds.png: Inventory sprite for Melon Seeds in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 수박씨 with description: 수박씨
에메랄드 에메랄드 블록
연두색 염료 선인장빛 초록 염료 +
[JE 1.14 이전에만]
연두색 염료 선인장빛 초록 염료 +
하얀색 염료
자홍색 염료 알리움 또는
자홍색 염료 파란색 염료 +
빨간색 염료 +
분홍색 염료
자홍색 염료 파란색 염료 +
빨간색 염료 +
하얀색 염료
자홍색 염료 청금석 +
뼛가루 +
장밋빛 빨간색
[JE 1.14 이전에만]
자홍색 염료 분홍색 염료 +
장밋빛 빨간색 +
[JE 1.14 이전에만]
자홍색 염료 보라색 염료 +
분홍색 염료
주황색 염료 주황색 튤립
Invicon Orange Tulip.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Tulip in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 주황색 튤립
Invicon Orange Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 주황색 염료 with description: 주황색 염료
주황색 염료 빨간색 염료 +
노란색 염료
철 원석 철 원석 블록
철 원석 철 원석 블록
철 조각 철 주괴
철 주괴 철 블록
철 주괴 철 조각
Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각Invicon Iron Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 조각 with description: 철 조각
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴
청금석 청금석 블록
청록색 염료 파란색 염료 +
선인장빛 초록 염료
청록색 염료 청금석 +
선인장빛 초록 염료
[JE 1.14 이전에만]
파란색 염료 수레국화
Invicon Cornflower.png: Inventory sprite for Cornflower in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 수레국화
Invicon Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 파란색 염료 with description: 파란색 염료
[Java, Bedrock Edition 전용][차기 버전용: JE 1.14]
파란색 염료 청금석
Invicon Lapis Lazuli.png: Inventory sprite for Lapis Lazuli in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 청금석 with description: 청금석
Invicon Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 파란색 염료 with description: 파란색 염료
[차기 버전용: JE 1.14]
하늘색 염료 파란색 염료 +
하얀색 염료
하늘색 염료 파란색 난초
Invicon Blue Orchid.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Orchid in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 파란색 난초
Invicon Light Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 하늘색 염료 with description: 하늘색 염료
하늘색 염료 청금석 +
[JE 1.14 이전에만]
호박씨 호박
금 조각 금 주괴
회백색 염료 선애기별꽃 또는
데이지 또는
하얀색 튤립
Invicon Azure Bluet.png: Inventory sprite for Azure Bluet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 선애기별꽃Invicon Oxeye Daisy.png: Inventory sprite for Oxeye Daisy in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 데이지Invicon White Tulip.png: Inventory sprite for White Tulip in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 꽃 with description: 하얀색 튤립
Invicon Light Gray Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Light Gray Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 회백색 염료 with description: 회백색 염료
회백색 염료 검은색 염료 +
하얀색 염료
[차기 버전용: JE 1.14]
회백색 염료 회색 염료 +
[JE 1.14 이전에만]
회백색 염료 회색 염료 +
하얀색 염료
[차기 버전용: JE 1.14]
회백색 염료 먹물 주머니 +
[JE 1.14 이전에만]
회색 염료 검은색 염료 +
하얀색 염료
[차기 버전용: JE 1.14]
회색 염료 먹물 주머니 +
[JE 1.14 이전에만]