한국어 Minecraft 위키가 Weird Gloop으로 이사를 완료했습니다!!

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문서 작성번역을 도와주시면 이 위키에 큰 힘이 됩니다.


Minecraft Wiki
Mykytius (토론 | 기여)님의 2025년 1월 12일 (일) 22:06 판
(차이) ← 이전 판 | 최신판 (차이) | 다음 판 → (차이)
둘러보기로 이동 검색으로 이동
이름 재료 제작 [숨기기]설명
구리 주괴 구리 블록 또는
밀랍칠한 구리
망원경 자수정 조각 +
구리 주괴
Invicon Amethyst Shard.png: Inventory sprite for Amethyst Shard in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 자수정 조각 with description: 자수정 조각Invicon Copper Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Copper Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 주괴 with description: 구리 주괴Invicon Copper Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Copper Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 주괴 with description: 구리 주괴
Invicon Spyglass.png: Inventory sprite for Spyglass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 망원경 with description: 망원경
글이 쓰인 책 책과 깃펜 +
글이 쓰인 책
입력된 "글이 쓰여진 책"은 그대로 남는다.
새로 만들어진 책은 입력된 책의 상태가 "원본"인지 아닌지에 따라 "원본의 복사본" 또는 "복사본의 복사본"가 된다.
"복사본의 복사본"을 다시 복사할 수는 없다.
동일한 계통의 복사본들("원본", "원본의 복사본", "복사본의 복사본", "낡음")은 모두 함께 묶을 수 있다.
신호기 유리 +
네더의 별 +
Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Nether Star.png: Inventory sprite for Nether Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 네더의 별 with description:Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석
Invicon Beacon.png: Inventory sprite for Beacon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 신호기 with description:
야광봉 폴리에틸렌 +
과산화 수소 +
일치하는 염료 +
Invicon Polyethylene.png: Inventory sprite for Polyethylene in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 폴리에틸렌Invicon Hydrogen Peroxide.png: Inventory sprite for Hydrogen Peroxide in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 과산화 수소Invicon Polyethylene.png: Inventory sprite for Polyethylene in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 폴리에틸렌Invicon Polyethylene.png: Inventory sprite for Polyethylene in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 폴리에틸렌Invicon White Dye.png: Inventory sprite for White Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 하얀색 염료 with description: 하얀색 염료Invicon Light Gray Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Light Gray Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 회백색 염료 with description: 회백색 염료Invicon Gray Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Gray Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 회색 염료 with description: 회색 염료Invicon Black Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Black Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 검은색 염료 with description: 검은색 염료Invicon Brown Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 갈색 염료 with description: 갈색 염료Invicon Red Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Red Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 빨간색 염료 with description: 빨간색 염료Invicon Orange Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 주황색 염료 with description: 주황색 염료Invicon Yellow Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 노란색 염료 with description: 노란색 염료Invicon Lime Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Lime Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 연두색 염료 with description: 연두색 염료Invicon Green Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Green Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 초록색 염료 with description: 초록색 염료Invicon Cyan Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Cyan Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 청록색 염료 with description: 청록색 염료Invicon Light Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 하늘색 염료 with description: 하늘색 염료Invicon Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 파란색 염료 with description: 파란색 염료Invicon Purple Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 보라색 염료 with description: 보라색 염료Invicon Magenta Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Magenta Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 자홍색 염료 with description: 자홍색 염료Invicon Pink Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Pink Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 분홍색 염료 with description: 분홍색 염료Invicon Polyethylene.png: Inventory sprite for Polyethylene in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 폴리에틸렌Invicon Polyethylene.png: Inventory sprite for Polyethylene in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 폴리에틸렌Invicon Luminol.png: Inventory sprite for Luminol in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 루미놀Invicon Polyethylene.png: Inventory sprite for Polyethylene in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 폴리에틸렌
Invicon White Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for White Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 하얀색 야광봉Invicon Gray Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Gray Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 회색 야광봉Invicon Brown Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 갈색 야광봉Invicon Red Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Red Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 빨간색 야광봉Invicon Orange Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 주황색 야광봉Invicon Yellow Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 노란색 야광봉Invicon Lime Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Lime Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 연두색 야광봉Invicon Green Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Green Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 초록색 야광봉Invicon Cyan Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Cyan Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 청록색 야광봉Invicon Light Blue Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 하늘색 야광봉Invicon Blue Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 파란색 야광봉Invicon Purple Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 보라색 야광봉Invicon Magenta Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Magenta Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 자주색 야광봉Invicon Pink Glow Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Pink Glow Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 야광봉 with description: 분홍색 야광봉
회백색 염료는 라는 잘못된 발광봉을 만든다., 또한 검은색 염료는 아무 것도 만들지 않는다.
스파클러 염화물 +
마그네슘 +
Invicon Calcium Chloride.png: Inventory sprite for Calcium Chloride in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 염화칼슘Invicon Cerium Chloride.png: Inventory sprite for Cerium Chloride in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 염화세륨Invicon Mercuric Chloride.png: Inventory sprite for Mercuric Chloride in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 염화수은Invicon Potassium Chloride.png: Inventory sprite for Potassium Chloride in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 염화칼륨Invicon Tungsten Chloride.png: Inventory sprite for Tungsten Chloride in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 염화레늄Invicon Magnesium.png: Inventory sprite for Magnesium in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원소 with description: 마그네슘Invicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 막대기 with description: 막대기
Invicon Orange Sparkler.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Sparkler in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Orange Sparkler with description: Orange SparklerInvicon Blue Sparkler.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Sparkler in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blue Sparkler with description: Blue SparklerInvicon Red Sparkler.png: Inventory sprite for Red Sparkler in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Red Sparkler with description: Red SparklerInvicon Purple Sparkler.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Sparkler in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Purple Sparkler with description: Purple SparklerInvicon Green Sparkler.png: Inventory sprite for Green Sparkler in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Green Sparkler with description: Green Sparkler
염화 칼슘:주황색
염화 세륨: 파란색
염화 수은: 빨간색
염화 칼륨: 보라색
염화 텅스텐: 초록색
[Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Education 전용]
슬라임볼 슬라임 블록
신호기 유리 +
네더의 별 +
Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Nether Star.png: Inventory sprite for Nether Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 네더의 별 with description:Invicon Glass.png: Inventory sprite for Glass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 유리 with description: 유리Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석Invicon Obsidian.png: Inventory sprite for Obsidian in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 흑요석 with description: 흑요석
Invicon Beacon.png: Inventory sprite for Beacon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 신호기 with description:
거미줄 [Bedrock, Legacy Console Edition 전용]
양동이 철 주괴
Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 철 주괴 with description: 철 주괴
Invicon Bucket.png: Inventory sprite for Bucket in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 양동이 with description: 양동이
엔더의 눈 블레이즈 가루 +
엔더 진주
Invicon Blaze Powder.png: Inventory sprite for Blaze Powder in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 블레이즈 가루 with description: 블레이즈 가루Invicon Ender Pearl.png: Inventory sprite for Ender Pearl in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 엔더 진주 with description: 엔더 진주
Invicon Eye of Ender.png: Inventory sprite for Eye of Ender in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 엔더의 눈 with description: 엔더의 눈
이끼 카펫 이끼 블록
Invicon Moss Block.png: Inventory sprite for Moss Block in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 이끼 블록 with description: 이끼 블록Invicon Moss Block.png: Inventory sprite for Moss Block in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 이끼 블록 with description: 이끼 블록
Invicon Moss Carpet.png: Inventory sprite for Moss Carpet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 이끼 카펫 with description: 이끼 카펫
망원경 자수정 조각 +
구리 주괴
Invicon Amethyst Shard.png: Inventory sprite for Amethyst Shard in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 자수정 조각 with description: 자수정 조각Invicon Copper Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Copper Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 주괴 with description: 구리 주괴Invicon Copper Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Copper Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 구리 주괴 with description: 구리 주괴
Invicon Spyglass.png: Inventory sprite for Spyglass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 망원경 with description: 망원경
점토 점토 덩이
Invicon Clay Ball.png: Inventory sprite for Clay Ball in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 점토 덩이 with description: 점토 덩이Invicon Clay Ball.png: Inventory sprite for Clay Ball in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 점토 덩이 with description: 점토 덩이Invicon Clay Ball.png: Inventory sprite for Clay Ball in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 점토 덩이 with description: 점토 덩이Invicon Clay Ball.png: Inventory sprite for Clay Ball in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 점토 덩이 with description: 점토 덩이
Invicon Clay.png: Inventory sprite for Clay in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 점토 with description: 점토
종이 사탕수수
빈 지도 종이 +
Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Compass.png: Inventory sprite for Compass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 나침반 with description: 나침반Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이
Invicon Empty Locator Map.png: Inventory sprite for Empty Locator Map in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 지도 with description: 빈 지도
지도를 처음 만들면 비어있다. 빈 지도를 들고 우클릭을 하면 빈 지도가 지도 아이템으로 변경되고, 지도 경계 내부에서 돌아다닌 정보를 점차 채운다.

이러한 지도를 "빈 위치 지도"‌[베드락 Edition 전용] 또는 "빈 지도"‌[자바, 콘솔 Edition 전용]라고 한다.

빈 지도 종이
Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이
Invicon Empty Map.png: Inventory sprite for Empty Map in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 지도 with description: 빈 지도
[베드락 Edition 전용]

나침반 없이 제작한 지도는 위치 표시가 나타나지 않는다. 나중에 지도와 나침반을 모루나 제작대에서 결합하면 표시가 추가된다. 이러한 지도를 "빈 지도"라고 한다.

위치 지도,
빈 위치 지도
지도 또는 빈 지도 +
Invicon Map.png: Inventory sprite for Map in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 지도 with description: 지도 Display Markers: NoInvicon Empty Map.png: Inventory sprite for Empty Map in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 지도 with description: 빈 지도Invicon Compass.png: Inventory sprite for Compass in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 나침반 with description: 나침반
Invicon Map.png: Inventory sprite for Map in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 지도 with description: 지도 Display Markers: YesInvicon Empty Locator Map.png: Inventory sprite for Empty Locator Map in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 지도 with description: 빈 지도
베드락 에디션 전용

종이만 사용해서 만든 지도는 위치 표시가 나타나지 않는다. 나침반을 지도에 추가해야만 나타난다.

빈 지도 +
생성되는 지도는 입력된 지도와 이름도 똑같고, 위치도 동일하다. 복제된 지도는 쌓기가 가능하다.

베드락 에디션에서는 '빈 지도'와 '빈 위치 지도'를 섞어서 사용할 수 있다. 복제된 지도에 플레이어의 위치가 표시되는지는 입력 지도에 달려있다.

종이 +
Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Map.png: Inventory sprite for Map in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 지도 with description: 지도Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이
Invicon Map.png: Inventory sprite for Map in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 지도 with description: 지도
입력한 지도보다 축척이 작은 (넓은 지역을 담는) 지도가 만들어진다.
종이 +
Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Paper.png: Inventory sprite for Paper in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 종이 with description: 종이Invicon Leather.png: Inventory sprite for Leather in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 가죽 with description: 가죽
Invicon Book.png: Inventory sprite for Book in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 책 with description: 책
책과 깃펜  +
먹물 주머니 +
Invicon Book.png: Inventory sprite for Book in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 책 with description: 책Invicon Ink Sac.png: Inventory sprite for Ink Sac in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 먹물 주머니 with description: 먹물 주머니Invicon Feather.png: Inventory sprite for Feather in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 깃털 with description: 깃털
Invicon Book and Quill.png: Inventory sprite for Book and Quill in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 책과 깃펜 with description: 책과 깃펜
탐험 지도
빈 지도 +
해양 탐험가 지도 또는
삼림 탐험가 지도 또는
땅에 묻힌 보물 지도
만들어지는 지도는 원래 지도와 위치와 표시가 완전히 동일하다. 복제된 지도는 중첩시킬 수 있다.
퇴비통 아무 나무 반 블록
Invicon Any wood Slab.png: Inventory sprite for Any wood Slab in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Any wood Slab with description: Any wood SlabInvicon Any wood Slab.png: Inventory sprite for Any wood Slab in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Any wood Slab with description: Any wood SlabInvicon Any wood Slab.png: Inventory sprite for Any wood Slab in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Any wood Slab with description: Any wood SlabInvicon Any wood Slab.png: Inventory sprite for Any wood Slab in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Any wood Slab with description: Any wood SlabInvicon Any wood Slab.png: Inventory sprite for Any wood Slab in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Any wood Slab with description: Any wood SlabInvicon Any wood Slab.png: Inventory sprite for Any wood Slab in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Any wood Slab with description: Any wood SlabInvicon Any wood Slab.png: Inventory sprite for Any wood Slab in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Any wood Slab with description: Any wood Slab
Invicon Composter.png: Inventory sprite for Composter in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 퇴비통 with description: 퇴비통
폭죽 로켓 아무 폭죽 탄약 +
종이 +
화약을 많이 추가할 수록 로켓의 기간이 늘어난다. 최대 3개의 화약까지 사용할 수 있다.
또한 최대 5개 까지의 폭죽 탄약을 사용할 수 있다.
화약을 뺄 경우, 최대 7개의 폭죽 탄약을 넣을 수 있다.
로켓이 점화되면 모든 폭죽 탄약이 동시에 터진다.
폭죽 로켓 종이 +
이런 방식으로(폭죽 탄약 없이) 제작하면, 폭발 효과가 없다.
폭죽 탄약 화약 +
일치하는 염료+
기타 재료(옵션)
Invicon Gunpowder.png: Inventory sprite for Gunpowder in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화약 with description: 화약Invicon White Dye.png: Inventory sprite for White Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 하얀색 염료 with description: 하얀색 염료Invicon Light Gray Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Light Gray Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 회백색 염료 with description: 회백색 염료Invicon Gray Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Gray Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 회색 염료 with description: 회색 염료Invicon Black Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Black Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 검은색 염료 with description: 검은색 염료Invicon Brown Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 갈색 염료 with description: 갈색 염료Invicon Red Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Red Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 빨간색 염료 with description: 빨간색 염료Invicon Orange Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 주황색 염료 with description: 주황색 염료Invicon Yellow Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 노란색 염료 with description: 노란색 염료Invicon Lime Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Lime Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 연두색 염료 with description: 연두색 염료Invicon Green Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Green Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 초록색 염료 with description: 초록색 염료Invicon Cyan Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Cyan Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 청록색 염료 with description: 청록색 염료Invicon Light Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 하늘색 염료 with description: 하늘색 염료Invicon Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 파란색 염료 with description: 파란색 염료Invicon Purple Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 보라색 염료 with description: 보라색 염료Invicon Magenta Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Magenta Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 자홍색 염료 with description: 자홍색 염료Invicon Pink Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Pink Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 분홍색 염료 with description: 분홍색 염료Invicon Head.png: Inventory sprite for Head in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 몹 머리 with description: 몹 머리Invicon Gold Nugget.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Nugget in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 금 조각 with description: 금 조각Invicon Feather.png: Inventory sprite for Feather in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 깃털 with description: 깃털Invicon Fire Charge.png: Inventory sprite for Fire Charge in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화염구 with description: 화염구Invicon Glowstone Dust.png: Inventory sprite for Glowstone Dust in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 발광석 가루 with description: 발광석 가루Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 다이아몬드 with description: 다이아몬드
Invicon White Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for White Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to White Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 하얀색Invicon Light Gray Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Light Gray Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Light Gray Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 회백색Invicon Gray Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Gray Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gray Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 회색Invicon Black Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Black Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Black Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 검은색Invicon Brown Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Brown Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 갈색Invicon Red Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Red Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Red Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 빨간색Invicon Orange Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Orange Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 주황색Invicon Yellow Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Yellow Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 노란색Invicon Lime Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Lime Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lime Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 연두색Invicon Green Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Green Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Green Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 초록색Invicon Cyan Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Cyan Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cyan Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 청록색Invicon Light Blue Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Light Blue Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 하늘색Invicon Blue Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blue Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 파란색Invicon Purple Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Purple Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 보라색Invicon Magenta Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Magenta Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Magenta Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 자홍색Invicon Pink Firework Star.png: Inventory sprite for Pink Firework Star in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Pink Firework Star with description: 폭죽 탄약 분홍색
최대 8가지의 염료를 추가할 수 있다.
머리, 황금 조각, 깃털 또는 화염구를 최대 하나 추가할 수 있다.
다이아몬드와 발광석 가루는 다른 어떤 재료와도 추가할 수 있다.
풍선 라텍스 +
일치하는 염료 +
헬륨 +
Invicon Latex.png: Inventory sprite for Latex in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 라텍스Invicon White Dye.png: Inventory sprite for White Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 하얀색 염료 with description: 하얀색 염료Invicon Light Gray Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Light Gray Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 회백색 염료 with description: 회백색 염료Invicon Gray Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Gray Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 회색 염료 with description: 회색 염료Invicon Black Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Black Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 검은색 염료 with description: 검은색 염료Invicon Brown Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 갈색 염료 with description: 갈색 염료Invicon Red Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Red Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 빨간색 염료 with description: 빨간색 염료Invicon Orange Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 주황색 염료 with description: 주황색 염료Invicon Yellow Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 노란색 염료 with description: 노란색 염료Invicon Lime Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Lime Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 연두색 염료 with description: 연두색 염료Invicon Green Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Green Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 초록색 염료 with description: 초록색 염료Invicon Cyan Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Cyan Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 청록색 염료 with description: 청록색 염료Invicon Light Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 하늘색 염료 with description: 하늘색 염료Invicon Blue Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 파란색 염료 with description: 파란색 염료Invicon Purple Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 보라색 염료 with description: 보라색 염료Invicon Magenta Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Magenta Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 자홍색 염료 with description: 자홍색 염료Invicon Pink Dye.png: Inventory sprite for Pink Dye in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 분홍색 염료 with description: 분홍색 염료Invicon Latex.png: Inventory sprite for Latex in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 라텍스Invicon Latex.png: Inventory sprite for Latex in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 라텍스Invicon Helium.png: Inventory sprite for Helium in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 원소 with description: 헬륨Invicon Latex.png: Inventory sprite for Latex in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 라텍스Invicon Latex.png: Inventory sprite for Latex in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 라텍스Invicon Lead.png: Inventory sprite for Lead in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 끈 with description: 끈Invicon Latex.png: Inventory sprite for Latex in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 화합물 with description: 라텍스
Invicon White Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for White Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to White Balloon with description: White BalloonInvicon Light Gray Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Light Gray Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Light Gray Balloon with description: Light Gray BalloonInvicon Gray Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Gray Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gray Balloon with description: Gray BalloonInvicon Black Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Black Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Black Balloon with description: Black BalloonInvicon Brown Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Brown Balloon with description: Brown BalloonInvicon Red Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Red Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Red Balloon with description: Red BalloonInvicon Orange Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Orange Balloon with description: Orange BalloonInvicon Yellow Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Yellow Balloon with description: Yellow BalloonInvicon Lime Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Lime Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lime Balloon with description: Lime BalloonInvicon Green Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Green Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Green Balloon with description: Green BalloonInvicon Cyan Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Cyan Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cyan Balloon with description: Cyan BalloonInvicon Light Blue Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Light Blue Balloon with description: Light Blue BalloonInvicon Blue Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blue Balloon with description: Blue BalloonInvicon Purple Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Purple Balloon with description: Purple BalloonInvicon Magenta Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Magenta Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Magenta Balloon with description: Magenta BalloonInvicon Pink Balloon.png: Inventory sprite for Pink Balloon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Pink Balloon with description: Pink Balloon
[Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Education 전용]
화염구 블레이즈 가루 +
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