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return {
	['LegendsEntitySprite'] = {
		-- 번역 필요
	    -- begin category
	    ['first'] = '最初のゴーレム',
	    ['frontline'] = '近接ユニット',
	    ['ranged'] = '遠隔ユニット',
	    ['special'] = '特殊ユニット',
	    -- end category
	    -- begin passive
	    ['allay'] = '알레이',
	    ['badger'] = 'Badger',
	    ['build allay'] = 'アレイ|建築アレイ',
	    ['cat'] = '고양이',
	    ['chicken'] = '닭',
	    ['fox'] = '여우',
	    ['gather allay'] = 'アレイ|収集アレイ',
	    ['llama'] = '라마',
	    ['marmot'] = 'Marmot',
	    ['ocelot'] = '오실롯',
	    ['pig'] = '돼지',
	    ['rabbit'] = '토끼',
	    ['turtle'] = '거북',
	    ['villager'] = '주민',
	    ['wolf'] = '여우',
	    -- end passive
	    -- begin mounts
	    ['big beak'] = '大きなくちばし',
	    ['brilliant beetle'] = '輝くカブトムシ',
	    ['fearless frog'] = '恐れ知らずのカエル',
	    ['horse'] = 'ウマ',
	    ['regal tiger'] = 'リーガルタイガー',
	    -- end mounts
	    -- begin allied
	    ['cobblestone golem'] = '丸石ゴーレム',
	    ['creeper'] = 'クリーパー',
	    ['grindstone golem'] = '砥石ゴーレム',
	    ['mossy golem'] = '苔ゴーレム',
	    ['plank golem'] = '板ゴーレム',
	    ['skeleton'] = 'スケルトン',
	    ['warrior'] = 'ウォリアー',
	    ['witch'] = 'ウィッチ',
	    ['zombie'] = 'ゾンビ',
	    -- end allied
	    -- begin firsts
	    ['first of brick'] = '最初のレンガ',
	    ['first of diorite'] = '最初の閃緑岩',
	    ['first of oak'] = '最初の樫の木',
	    ['first of stone'] = '最初の石',
	    -- end firsts
	    -- begin hosts
	    ['action'] = 'アクション',
	    ['foresight'] = 'フェアサイト',
	    ['knowledge'] = 'ナレッジ',
	    -- end hosts
	    -- begin hostile
	    ['blaze runt'] = 'ブレイズラント',
	    ['brute'] = 'ブルート',
	    ['clanger'] = '打楽器ピグリン',
	    ['lava launcher'] = '溶岩ランチャー',
	    ['mace runt'] = 'メイスラント',
	    ['magma cube'] = 'マグマキューブ',
	    ['piglin builder'] = 'ピグリンビルダー',
	    ['pigmadillo'] = 'ピグマディロ',
	    ['portal guard'] = 'ポータルの衛兵',
	    ['seeker'] = 'シーカー',
	    ['spore medic'] = '胞子衛生兵',
	    ['sporeback'] = 'スポアバック',
	    ['warboar'] = 'ワルイノシシ',
	    -- end hostile
	    -- begin bosses
	    ['the great hog'] = 'グレートホッグ',
	    ['the beast'] = 'ビースト',
	    ['the devourer'] = 'デバウアー',
	    ['the unbreakable'] = 'アンブレイカブル',
	    -- end bosses
	    -- begin unused
	    ['spider'] = 'Spider',
	    -- end unused
	['LegendsStructureSprite'] = {
		-- begin buildings
		['arrow tower'] = '矢のタワー',
		['battle drum'] = 'バトルドラム',
		['blast tower'] = '爆破のタワー',
		['carpenter hut'] = '大工の小屋',
		['cauldron'] = '大釜',
		['extendable wall'] = '拡張可能な壁',
		['frost tower'] = '氷結のタワー',
		['gate'] = 'ゲート',
		['ice trap'] = 'アイストラップ',
		['kaboomery'] = 'カブーメリー',
		['lapis flag'] = 'Lapis Flag',
		['masonry'] = '石造建築',
		['protector tower'] = '防御のタワー',
		['ramp'] = 'スロープ',
		['redstone launcher'] = 'レッドストーンランチャー',
		['scatter tower'] = '散弾タワー',
		['spyglass overlook'] = '戦場を見下ろす望遠鏡',
		['stun tower'] = '衝撃のタワー',
		['wellhouse'] = '泉小屋',
		-- end buildings
		-- begin spawners
		['cobblestone golem spawner'] = '丸石ゴーレムのスポナー',
		['creeper spawner'] = 'クリーパーのスポナー',
		['first of brick spawner'] = '最初のレンガのスポナー',
		['first of diorite spawner'] = '最初の閃緑岩のスポナー',
		['first of oak spawner'] = '最初の樫の木のスポナー',
		['first of stone spawner'] = '最初の石のスポナー',
		['grindstone golem spawner'] = '砥石ゴーレムのスポナー',
		['mossy golem spawner'] = '苔ゴーレムのスポナー',
		['plank golem spawner'] = '板ゴーレムのスポナー',
		['skeleton spawner'] = 'スケルトンのスポナー',
		['warrior hut'] = '戦士のスポナー',
		['witch hut'] = 'ウィッチの小屋',
		['zombie spawner'] = 'ゾンビのスポナー',
		-- end spawners
		-- begin improvements
		['improvement abundant allays'] = '強化: 豊富なアレイ',
		['improvement allay storage'] = '強化: アレイストレージ',
		['improvement banner'] = '強化: 旗',
		['improvement build power towers'] = '強化: パワータワーを集める',
		['improvement build the firsts'] = '強化: 最初のゴーレムを起こす',
		['improvement cure netherrack'] = '強化: 暗黒石の除去',
		['improvement expert carpentry'] = '強化: 熟練の大工',
		['improvement expert mason'] = '強化: 熟練の石工',
		['improvement flames of creation'] = '強化: 創造の炎',
		['improvement gather coal'] = '強化: 石炭を集める',
		['improvement gather diamond'] = '強化: ダイヤモンドを集める',
		['improvement gather iron'] = '強化: 鉄を集める',
		['improvement gather redstone'] = '強化: レッドストーンを集める',
		['improvement hub'] = 'Improvement Hub',
		['improvement shared village chests'] = '強化: 共有の村のチェスト',
		-- end improvements
		-- begin settlements
		['homestead'] = '屋敷',
		['creeper homestead'] = 'クリーパーの屋敷',
		['skeleton homestead'] = 'スケルトンの屋敷',
		['zombie homestead'] = 'ゾンビの屋敷',
		['village'] = '村',
		['well of fate'] = '運命の泉',
		['spider homestead'] = 'Spider Homestead',
		-- end settlements
		-- begin piglin structures
		['air chopper'] = 'エアチョッパー',
		['armored tower'] = '装甲塔',
		['blaze rod tower'] = 'ブレイズロッドタワー',
		['gold extractor'] = 'Gold Extractor',
		['lava coil'] = '溶岩コイル',
		['nether portal'] = 'ネザーポータル',
		['nether spreader'] = 'ネザー拡散器',
		['night beacon'] = 'Night Beacon',
		['patcher'] = 'パッチャー',
		['piglin base'] = 'Piglin Base',
		['piglin cage'] = 'Piglin Cage',
		['piglin chest'] = 'ピグリンチェスト',
		['piglin gate'] = 'Piglin Gate',
		['piglin launcher'] = 'ピグリンランチャー',
		['piglin outpost'] = 'Piglin Outpost',
		['piglin pit'] = 'ピグリンピット',
		['piglin wall'] = 'Piglin Wall',
		['siegeworks'] = '攻城防塁',
		['spike tower'] = 'スパイクのタワー',
		['spore tower'] = '胞子のタワー',
		['terror horn'] = '恐怖の角',
		-- end piglin structures
    ['LegendsMiscellaneousSprite'] = {
  		-- begin miscellaneous
  		['blast tower core'] = '爆発のタワーのコア',
  		['bouncecaps'] = 'バウンスキャップ',
  		['coal'] = '石炭',
  		['diamond'] = 'ダイヤモンド',
  		['frost tower core'] = '氷結のタワーのコア',
  		['geyser'] = '間欠泉',
  		['gold'] = '金',
  		['iron'] = '鉄',
  		['lapis'] = 'ラピス',
  		['mud puddle'] = '泥水溜まり',
  		['piglin key'] = 'ピグリンの鍵',
  		['poison vines'] = '毒のつる',
  		['prismarine'] = 'プリズマリン',
  		['redstone'] = 'レッドストーン',
  		['redthorn'] = 'レッドソーン',
  		['regeneration stone'] = '再生石',
  		['speed wheat'] = 'スピード小麦',
  		['stone'] = '石',
  		['stun tower core'] = '衝撃のタワーのコア',
  		['tar pit'] = 'Tar Pit',
  		['wood'] = '木材',
  		-- end miscellaneous